Safe Environment

Safe Environment Program

The Gospels of Mark and Luke include the story where Jesus reprimands his disciples for not allowing little children to come to Him. Our Lord asserts that His Father’s Kingdom belongs to little children. Our Lord was emphasizing the openness, trust, and sheer wide-eyed wonder with which children approach life. He wanted his followers to contemplate the possibilities of God’s Kingdom for them with the same childlike wonder. It is extremely sad, therefore, to contemplate the terrible effects that the crime of child sexual abuse has on children and young people and their families, and sadder still to consider that this has occurred within our Church. The mission of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s Safe Environment Program is to ensure the safety of children, vulnerable adults and young people who have been entrusted to our care in our parishes, schools, religious education classes, and other programs/ministries. 

We pursue this mission in mandating that all diocesan* parishes, schools, religious education classes and other programs/ministries complete the following:

  • By thoroughly screening and supervising all employees and volunteers who work with children and young people as part of their ministry.
  • By providing appropriate training in recognizing and reporting child abuse to appropriate civil and Church authorities.
  • By holding all members of the clergy, employees and volunteers who work with children and young people to Christ-centered and professional codes of conduct.

For more information, click here to visit the Diocesan Safe Environment information page.


Who has to attend the Protecting God’s Children awareness programs?

There are three categories of people who are required to register through VIRTUS and follow the Diocesan required protocols. The categories are: 1) all clergy, 2) all employees of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and their parishes and schools, 3) all volunteers who have regular contact with children, vulnerable adults, or the elderly.

If you have been instructed to register for Virtus Safe Environment Training, click here for directions.

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