Bishop Quinn is encouraging the women of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to pray for our priests and strengthen our local Church. Bishop Quinn, Fr. Sauer, and Fr. Jim were present for the 1st Annual Seven Sisters Morning of Reflection here in Owatonna on June 1.


Would you like to learn more about this growing apostolate (over 7,000 women worldwide)?  The Seven Sisters Apostolate is comprised of women who commit to pray one hour per week on a specific day, in front of the Blessed Sacrament for your  parish priest. The sister may pick the time and location of her Holy Hour. There are no meetings to attend, just your one hour per week visit with Jesus! This beautiful ministry is dedicated to prayerful support, in a hidden sort of way, for the strengthening of our pastor and our Church.


Our goal is to have a Sister praying for Father Sauer each day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).


The Seven Sisters Apostolate began in 2010 on the inspiration of the mother of a now priest (Fr. Spencer Howe) for the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis who felt the call to pray in thanksgiving for her own parish priest for his support and guidance to her and her family. From this prompting of the Holy Spirit, the Seven Sisters Apostolate has spread throughout the country as well as Europe, Australia, Philippines, South America, and Africa. Currently, there are 27 Seven Sisters groups in our diocese, but we would like to have a group for every priest in the Diocese, as well as 21 sisters for our Bishop.


Please contact Margaret Supalla at for more information. Brochures and booklets with more information are available at