We are under strict capacity limits and so for the time being we are asking you to reserve a pew for Mass. We are beginning with open reservations. If we find that we consistently have capacity numbers and are turning people away, we will look to methods to divide the parish by last name. We will work with this for a couple of weeks to see how it goes.


Please follow this link https://bookapew.com/app/mn/shc/ and sign up to book your pew. Click the date of the Mass you wish to attend and then follow the instructions. You will be asked how many will be in your party.  Registration should only be entered once per family. Once our capacity has been filled, no further registrations will be taken. In that case, please sign up for upcoming weeks. At this time, Spanish Mass does not require registrations.


We continue to strongly urge you to wear a mask when you come. Also if you are over 65, are ill, have a family member who is ill, or fall into a category who is vulnerable to the virus, we ask you remain home for now. If we follow the guidance we have received that resulted in our protocols, we run less risk of spreading the disease. There are many who would like us to fail in this reopening. Your cooperation will help us be successful in minimizing danger.