Let us come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Christmas Mass Schedule

CHRISTMAS eVE:  5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (en Español), and 10:00 PM
Christmas Day:  8:00 AM and 10:00 AM

Mass Schedule

mONDAY-Friday: 7:15 am Daily Mass
Saturday: 5 pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 8 am and 10 am Mass,
11:30 am Spanish Mass

of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursdays 8 am-7 pm
Benediction at 6:40 pm

Confession Times

Monday – Friday: 6:45 a.m.

Saturday: 4 p.m.

Mass Times

Daily Mass: Monday-Friday at 7:15 a.m.

Saturday: 5 p.m.

Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. (Spanish)

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday:   8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Friday:   8:30 a.m. – Noon

Welcome! If you are new to our parish, call the office and register with us. We are happy you’re here!
¡Bienvenido! Si es nuevo en nuestra parroquia, llame a la oficina. ¡Estamos felices de que estés aquí!

My Own Church

My Own Church   Do you want to be able to view your contributions made to Sacred Heart before the end of the year? You can by creating a My Own Church account. All you have to do is go to https://winona.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/ and click “New User” to get started. It’s completely free to use and very user friendly! Once our office reviews and approves your user registration, you will have access to your family information (such as your address, email,…

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Seven Sisters Apostolate

Bishop Quinn is encouraging the women of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to pray for our priests and strengthen our local Church. Bishop Quinn, Fr. Sauer, and Fr. Jim were present for the 1st Annual Seven Sisters Morning of Reflection here in Owatonna on June 1.   Would you like to learn more about this growing apostolate (over 7,000 women worldwide)?  The Seven Sisters Apostolate is comprised of women who commit to pray one hour per week on a specific day, in front of…

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The Courier

The Courier will now be mailed to churches in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester for parishioner pick-up. If you would like to still receive the Courier at your home address, please email nreller@dowr.org with your name and address. The Courier thanks its audience for reading and looks forward to reaching readers in a new way.

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