Parish Leadership

Pastoral Council

The council’s role is to coordinate and unify our parish community.  Its mission is to achieve full participation of the whole parish.  The council helps determine the direction the parish should take.  Everyone is invited to attend the monthly meetings, which are held quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month, usually at 5:30 PM.  Notices of upcoming meetings are published in the bulletin and the parish calendar.

Current Members:

Click here to view Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

Finance Council

A group of selected adult parishioners give their time to help the pastor in the development and management of parish resources and financial obligations at Sacred Heart.  The Finance Council works with the pastor to develop an annual budget, select and promote fundraising activities within the parish and review parish expenditures to ensure appropriate stewardship and to meet the fiscal needs of Sacred Heart.  Each member can serve up to three, 3-year terms, as appointed by the pastor.

Current Members:

Click here to view our Parish Finance Reports

Sacred Heart Mission Statement

We, the People of God, of the Roman Catholic parish of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Owatonna, Minnesota (“Sacred Heart”) are a community of hope, centered in Christ. As members of the universal Church, gathered around our Pastor, we strive to live out our gospel calling ever anew.

Devoted to the gospel we have received from generations past, we seek to hand on a living faith for the generation to come. Conscious of our own shortcomings and sin, we trust in the power of Christ to bring new things to birth through us.

Thus, our journey of faith is sharing in the dying and rising of Jesus. Through the power of the Spirit, we have the courage to risk everything as together we labor to witness to the gospel, celebrate the mysteries of faith and reach out to others.

Called forth from the table of His Body as a faith community, we shall create a future where all rejoice in God’s gifts. Rooted in the fields and residential community of Owatonna, we face the challenges of a changing world with love. Convinced that we bring life-giving values to the social and economic structures of our community, we proclaim aloud our respect for the sanctity of life, the family and all creation.

Our Parish Vision Statement

Drawing our life from the Eucharist, our parish family will live the mission of Jesus Christ through prayer, faith formation, and service.

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