Catholic Ministries Appeal

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is one of the major efforts of the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota to fulfill its mission of financially supporting spiritual, educational and social needs of the Catholic community in southern Minnesota. The Appeal is a primary source of funding for diocesan-led ministries that play a vital role in the mission of the Church. The Appeal supports diocesan-led ministries in these areas:

  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry
  • Lay Formation & RCIA
  • Vocations Discernment
  • Life, Marriage & Family
  • Faith Formation
  • Catholic Schools
  • Newman Centers
  • Cemeteries
  • Parish Support
  • Permanent Diaconate
  • Evangelization
  • Community Outreach (via Catholic Charities)
  • Communications

The theme, Share the Light of Hope, emphasizes the importance of using our time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of our wider church community. As individual members of the Body of Christ, we all possess different gifts and talents for furthering the ministry of Christ and His Church. God’s generous gifts should be returned with increase to Him by sharing the peace and joy of Christ with all those we encounter.

La Campaña de Ministerios Católicos

Como parte de la Diócesis de Winona-Rochester, tenemos una recaudación de fondos anual llamada Campaña de  Ministerios Católicos. Los fondos recogidos sirvan a financiar a varios ministerios esenciales en el diócesis, incluyendo el proceso de discernimiento vocacional al diaconado y sacerdocio, escuelas católicas, recursos para apoyar a quienes viven la vocación del matrimonio, y muchos más. Por favor rece e considere en hacer una donación a la campaña. Hay sobres en las entradas a la iglesia.