Liturgical Roles
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, or EMHCs, are commissioned to feed the community of the faithful with the Body and Blood of Christ. This ministry is open to confirmed Catholics who are members of Sacred Heart and who have a deep love of and respect for the Eucharist.
Readers proclaim the Word of God through the liturgical readings designated for specific Sundays and Holy Days. At each Mass, they also welcome the assembly, introduce the theme of the Mass, announce the songs, lead the prayer petitions, and at the end of the Mass, make any announcements. A training session is provided for all new readers.
Ushers attend to the needs of the assembly at Weekend, Holy Day and Special Liturgies. They gather the regular and special collections, respond to special worship needs of parishioners, and work to assure a comfortable, pleasant worship setting. They are also responsible for picking up items left in pews after Mass and placing worship aids in racks provided. Both men and women are invited in this ministry.
Mass Greeters
Greeters welcome the people to our weekend assembly for worship, greeting both in the Narthex and at the Cedar Avenue entrance. This ministry begins a half hour before the mass and includes assisting those with special needs and being a visible presence for newcomers.
Sacristans are volunteers who are responsible for the preparation of the items necessary for Sunday Mass. They arrive before mass to insurethat there are adequate supplies available and ready for use by the priest, altar servers and readers.