Sacred Heart is constantly trying to improve the way we handle finances and increase efficiency all while guaranteeing that your donations are safe, secure, and spent on what you have given the money for. We have just started a new fiscal year and will be implementing a new process with all this in mind.

In the past when you have made donations to outside organizations (meaning organizations other than Sacred Heart, St. Mary’s, REP, and the Cemetery), we have deposited the money. Then we wrote a check to the organization you designated. Moving forward, we will be sending your donation checks directly to these organizations.

From now on if you wish to donate to an outside organization, checks should be made payable directly to those organizations. This includes but is not limited to donations to St. Vincent de Paul, the Crisis Resource Center, the Food Shelf, Healthy Seniors, and Habitat for Humanity. Make your check payable to the organization, and we will send your check on to them. They will send you a tax statement at the end of the year instead of Sacred Heart.

Thank you for implementing this new process and helping us make Sacred Heart run smoothly. We and all these organizations greatly appreciate your generosity.