Campaign 2024

Dear Sacred Heart Parishioners,

At the 2024 Knight of Nights Auction, St. Mary’s School asked for donations to close and renovate Marian Drive between Sacred Heart Church and the school.  This private road is no longer used for motor vehicles, and has become a hazard to our young people because of excessive water flow, drainage problems, and ice buildup.  This past winter, the retaining wall next to Marian Drive collapsed.  As a part of the renovation, the retaining wall will be removed, and the steep hill gradually sloped and landscaped.  Installation of sidewalks will make it easier to walk between the church and school, and removal of the driveway will allow for green space.  We accepted a bid from Rocon Inc. of Owatonna for $185,000. The plan is to complete the project this summer before the start of school. At the Knight of Nights Auction, St. Mary’s School raised $75,000. The parish is responsible for raising an additional $110,000 which represents our portion of the total project.

The brickwork of Sacred Heart Church is in desperate need of tuckpointing. Acme Tuckpointing and Restoration of St. Paul, has given us a bid of $150,000.

Finally, the sign at the Cedar Avenue entrance of the church, and the heating/air-conditioning units for the Parish Center are in need of replacement.  The total cost for all these necessary projects is as follows: 

           $ 110,000         Marian Drive
                15,000         Cedar Avenue sign (marquee on the east side of the church)
              150,000         Tuckpointing the church
                25,000         HVAC for the Parish Center

           $ 300,000         Total Cost

Our parish trustees and finance council have endorsed these projects. Bishop Barron has given his official approval for this work to begin, and has agreed that the funds raised for these projects will not be assessed (taxed) by the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

To complete these projects, your generous financial support is needed; your contributions will greatly benefit our parish. Please use the enclosed envelope for your donation and/or pledge. The return envelope can be mailed, placed in the collection basket, or brought to the parish office. We hope to raise the above amount in eighteen months and end our campaign by December 31, 2025.

“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.”  2 Corinthians 9:11

Gratefully in Christ Jesus,

The Reverend Monsignor Thomas E. Cook

Campaign Brochure

Pledge Form and Bank Transfer Authorization

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