The most notable completed project has been the installation of the air conditioning system. It was up and running as of July 9. Since this system was running efficiently, we were able to return our rental unit. Now that the rental unit is returned, we are starting on our last major project under the “Gifts from the Heart” campaign. This is the driveway and drainage between the rectory, office and church area. This should be completed by the end of August.

The inside doors on the Cedar St. entrance have been refinished and look great! We have completed some touch-up work on the east vestibule. New rectory garage doors and openers have been installed, and concrete work has been completed. There was an issue with water leaking into the garage from the roof. Repairs were made and the problem is resolved. The soffits over the north and south side Parish Center walkways have been repainted by Harvey Miller, Tom Schmitt, and Tony Nowak. Harvey also painted the railings on the north side entrance to the church. A new outside door with a window was installed on the west side entrance to the kitchen.   

We have made great progress on our project list! The projects completed are necessary to make sure our buildings are fully functional and that we maintain the integrity and beauty of our buildings. We could not accomplish these projects without your generous support to the Building & Grounds Fund. Thank you!

-Tony Nowak, Chair of Building & Grounds Committee, Sacred Heart Finance Council