When does Christmas start?  In our day that can seem like a trick question.  But some smart 4th and 5th graders at St. Mary’s told me that it starts on the evening of December 24th.  Right now, they explained, we are in the season of advent.

Advent in 2 Minutes

We wait in joyful expectant hope for the three comings of Christ, in history as Jesus, every day in our hearts and in the future at the end of time.  The St. Mary student suggested some great ways to prepare in Advent.

  • Pray anytime.  (They suggest before bed, at meals, and especially in church!)
  • Use an advent wreath to focus on the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ in our life.
  • Open an advent calendar each day.  (They even created beautiful ones that they traded with each other.)
  • Slow down.
  • Use each Saturday to get rid of 7 things in your household.
  • Make space for Christ in your heart.  Try to love him, follow him, and know him more each day.
  • Make gifts for loved ones.
  • Just spend time together.
  • Remember to be thankful.

If we each followed the students’ sage advice we would enter this season with softer hearts, with more space to receive Christ the King in our lives.

This Advent thankfulness is big on my list.  I have been going with the new St. Vincent de Paul volunteers in our parish on home visits to be with the poor and the vulnerable.  We spend time in prayer together, often on the point of tears in gratefulness and supplication to our Lord.  After these visits I find myself being thankful for the simplest gifts—like butter on my baked potato or being able to fill up my car with gas.  All is a gift from God.  Sometimes I just need to see Christ in another to remember that.

Our parish family is full of glimpses of the face of Christ.  So many people share their time and talent in ways that are never seen by most.  The St. Vincent de Paul volunteers bring your donations to those who are hungry and homeless.   Every week the church is dusted and cleaned,  the purificators are washed and ironed,  wax is chipped away and candles are replaced by faithful Sacred Heart volunteers.  When you stop by the church often a musician is practicing or parishioners are bowed in prayer.  This Advent season I give thanks for our parish family and the sharing of gifts.  May God bless your season of hopeful expectation!

Blessings in Christ,

Sr. Sarah Hennessey, FSPA