Dear Parishioners,

I‘m glad to share some things I did during my vacation in India. I know most of you are curious to hear something about my recent vacation. I had a very good time with my family and friends. There was no problem with my travel. Everything went well as planned. Since Omicron was very prevalent in India, I didn’t travel anywhere except staying with my family all the time. I reached home on January 6. I was little bit worried about my covid test before I boarded the flight. Covid test is a requirement for all the international travel. Luckily, I got negative result on both ways and because of that I didn’t have any problem with my travel. At home, all my family members are doing well except my mom. She is 98 years old, and her health is declining day by day. Last few days, she was not eating anything and is even struggling to swallow liquids. It was a very emotional moment when I left home. I don’t know whether I will be able to see my mother or not. I pray that the good Lord may grant her good and peaceful death. I request all of you to keep her in your prayers.

During my vacation, I was able to help some of the needy as I shared with you in my message before Christmas. I helped 30 kids with school bags and supplies. I helped some families pay the school fee for their kids. I donated some money to the orphanage run by the nuns. You can see a letter along with the pictures by the sister in charge of the orphanage.

Ms. Paulina is a very poor lady who goes for daily work. She is really struggling to meet her ends. I gave money to buy food and other basic things. Her house is very old and in bad condition, and she requested me to help her to build a new house. I gave some money for the new house to be built. l don’t know exactly how much it would cost. Usually, it would cost $10,000 to build a small house. I promised her that I will help her as much as I can.

There is another woman named Neethu from the state of Orissa suffering from a severe skin decease. This case was recommended to me by one of the religious nuns I know. I’ve never seen and met this person. Since it is a genuine case, I talked to her over the phone and promised to help her. She needs surgery to fix her problem. I gave her money for the tests and medicine. The date for the surgery is not yet scheduled. Once it is confirmed, I will help her with whatever I can.

I gave money to 2 self-help groups that pool money every year and use that money to meet their needs for a minimal interest. The money contributed by each member of the group is pooled together and distributed according to the needs of the members. This works well and does a lot of good for the members. If they have to take loans from money lenders, they pay higher interest. This self-help group solves that problem and helps each member meet their needs.

I also helped some other people to meet their needs, especially to buy food and medicine. I could do all this because of your generosity. Your Christmas gifts to me made it possible. As I shared earlier, there are lots of people who seek help, but I’m unable to fulfill all their needs. As St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, my help is like a drop in the ocean. I’m able to do this because of my priesthood and especially because of your support. I sincerely thank you for your kind and generous donations and gifts. May the good Lord bless all of you for all that you do to the poor and the less fortunate. If you would like to know more about it, you are most welcome to meet me at any time.

Finally, my village feast (Annunciation) was celebrated on February 5. Every year, the patron saint’s feast (Annunciation of the Lord) is celebrated on February 5. I had the privilege of celebrating the Eucharist on that special day. Due to the spread of Omicron, the crowd was small. That evening, we had a procession with the statue of our Blessed Mother through the streets of the village. We closed with adoration and benediction. It was a prayerful and meaningful celebration. You can see some of the pictures of the celebration. I returned to Owatonna on February 10 without any problem. Thank you so much for your love, care, concern, support, and prayers.

With love and prayers, Fr. Swamy